This is just a pager of links I used for Netbootcd - [[|gpxe ]] replaced with [[| ipxe]] but this is a cool video from [[|google talks-gPXE: Modern FOSS Network Booting]]. gpxe can have a boot script built in with [[|Rom-o-matic]] gpxe can be used to boot from [[|http]] [[|Etherboot]] boot rom [[|Memdisk]] syslinux ramdisk [[|syslinux]] very cool loader has a lot of info. Links I used for the kexec boot scripts. Using kexec to booting grub4dos [[| info]] [[ |grub4dos]] [[|grub4dos]] [[|grub4dos]] [[ | chainloading mem]] grub menu [[|example]] [[| grub4dos can be used to load an iso from local disk and mapping it from ram]] Note: once the new kernel(dos) loads the iso is gone. [[| kexec-loader]]: this looks cool but I found [[|netbootcd]] first. kexec example of booting an iso from grub4dos ramdisk: {{{ wget cp /mnt/sr0/boot/grub.exe ./ kexec -l grub.exe --initrd=TinyCore.iso --append="--config-file=map --mem (rd)+1 (0xff); map --hook; root (0xff); chainloader (0xff)" }}} You can use a boot loader to boot from a remote system. [[|NBD]]